Inside Cade&Co — fox fashion
Has the Sly Fox Replaced the Wily Owl?
baby fox fox fox baby shoes fox fashion fox new owl fox shoes owl woodland
After "Fantastic Mr. Fox" hit the big screen, owls seemed to invade children's apparel and home decor.
Then came "What Does the Fox Say?," which sealed the deal for fox fashion everywhere.
Cade&Co loves all things woodland, so we have created a new design, Sly Fox.
We were recently contacted by Laurel Heger, the author of the children's book "Fox and Rabbit's Garden," and "Fox and Rabbit's Cranberry Surprise," to work on a "story-on-a-shoe" concept.
These wonderful books are illustrated by Monette Pangan.
But don't just take our word for it: Jody Robbins seems to agree with the fox fashion take-over in her recent blog from last month.
What is next to come? Hedgehogs and porcupines?
Here at Cade&Co, we are hoping it is something that can be cut-out in tiny leather pieces.